Caryota Mitis Seeds (Clustered Fishtail Palm Seeds)

Caryota Mitis Seeds (Clustered Fishtail Palm Seeds)

The palm blooms all year long. It produces small yellow flowers. It also produces red fruits, growing in grapes, that are toxic.
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5 Caryota Mitis Seeds (Clustered Fishtail Palm Seeds)
30 Caryota Mitis Seeds (Clustered Fishtail Palm Seeds)
200 Caryota Mitis Seeds (Clustered Fishtail Palm Seeds)
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Caryota Mitis
Caryota mitis, the Fishtail Palm, is a tree that originates from tropical rainforests of South-East Asia. It grows up to 9 meters high for 5 meters wide. The trunk is formed of multiple dense stems that can reach 9 meters high for 10 cm wide. The palms are dressed and measure up to 2.5 meters long. The leaves have a special shape that recalls a fish?s flippers. The foliage is evergreen and very dense. The palm blooms all year long. It produces small yellow flowers. It also produces red fruits, growing in grapes, that are toxic. Hardiness zones 9-11 (-5øC/25øF, 4øC/40øF) in winter. This palm tolerates well enough cold temperatures and badly drained soils. Under -2øC, the foliage is affected. It prefers a humid and hot or tempered climate. Keep your plant in a room or glasshouse where the temperature averages 10øC. Its environment has to be fresh. Water every 2 or 3 days in order to keep the soil humid. Good lighting is necessary, without direct sun.
More Information
Common name Clustered Fishtail Palm
Species Caryota mitis
Germination First, you can scarify the seeds. Soak seeds in water for 2 days. Use a mix of humus, garden soil and manure. Plant seeds at 1 inch of depth. In winter, keep the soil humid. In summer, keep the soil damp. Give your plant a monthly fertilizing treatment. Germination time is usually pretty short. Your seeds should germinate in 1-3 months, but it could be more. Don?t get discouraged.
Scarification / Stratification Seed coats may be so hard that they are impermeable to water. They need to be scratched or broken using a knife or sandpaper, in order to germinate. Chip the seeds with a sharp knife or make a few swipes with a sharp edged file or use sandpaper to allow moisture being more readily absorbed.
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