Drosera Burmanii Seeds

Drosera Burmanii Seeds

It produces tiny, golden-green rosettes. The white or rarely pale pink flowers are produced on one-sided racemes from September to June.
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10 Drosera Burmanii Seeds
100 Drosera Burmanii Seeds
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Drosera Burmanii
Drosera burmannii is a subtropical found in Northern and Eastern Australia, India, China, Japan, and Southeast Asia. They range in size from less than 2 cm to about 3 cm across. It produces tiny, golden-green rosettes. The white or rarely pale pink flowers are produced on one-sided racemes from September to June. Drosera burmanii is one of the faster ones, it folds its leaf within one minute on a warm day. The leaves of this plant are covered with glandular hairs like any other sundews. The leaves are short and spoon-shaped. The visiting insects are attracted to the leaves by the glistening tips of the hairs. Once caught the insect is digested by the sticky digestive fluid poured out by the plant. This unique way of obtaining nitrogenous food enables these plants to live in soils poor in available nitrogen. The plant has normally a short life. You can maintain Drosera burmannii a number of years if you remove the flower stalks before the flowers open. If you allow them to bloom even once, the plants will be reduced in size substantially and may have difficulty recovering. From seed to a flowering plant you don't have to wait a year. If you cut off the flower-stalk it is possible to have the plant for 2-3 years. Hardiness zone 10, (4øC/40øF) in Winter. This tropical plant likes the whole year a warm place with high humidity 60-80%. Drosera Burmannii prefers as much as possible light, direct sun is welcome. It occurs in upland acidic soils and will do better in a soil consisting of one part sand for one part peat moss. Requires consistently moist soil ; do not let dry out between waterings. Water must be distilled or rain water because they do not tolerate city or hard water. It is a good idea to place a pie pan or large saucer, with about an inch of water in it, under the pot. Elevate the pot by placing pebbles under it so that the base of the pot is barely in contact with the water, not submerged; the growing medium must stay moist, but never soggy. This will keep the humidity around the plant higher and it will ensure that the plant has a constant source of moisture. The humidity should be between 60-80%.
More Information
Label Drosera burmanii
Common name Tropical sundew
Genus Drosera
Species Drosera burmanii
Germination The seeds require 6 weeks hot stratification. Sow directly on the surface of your moist but not soaked soil mix. Do not cover them with any medium, the seeds are really tiny. After hot stratification, somewhat uncover the top of the pot, so that moisture and heat drop a little. Place the pot in an area with real nice strong light and keep the temperature around 20øC/68øF.

When you see some tiny plants starting to sprout, slowly open the top of the pot, a little each day, so that the new seedlings don't go into shock from the humidity being lowered too quickly. After hot stratification, germination usually occurs in 1-3 months, but it can be prolonged up to several months, depending on their degree of unbroken dormancy, don't give up. Be very gentle with the new seedlings, not to destroy anything, it is very tiny. Make sure that it gets good air circulation.
Scarification / Stratification It creates a hot and moist environment for the seeds. This will break their dormancy. Place the seeds on top of a prepared soil mix. Put the pots with seeds in plastic ziplock bags under but not too close to florescent lights. A temperature around 25øC / 76øF works best. Make sure to check the seeds often. If fungus or mold appears treat it with a fungicide.
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