Passiflora Alata Seeds (Fragrant Granadilla Seeds)

Passiflora Alata Seeds (Fragrant Granadilla Seeds)

Owing to its name, the Fragrant Granadilla has very fragrant flowers. The flowers are spectacular, 7-10 cm wide, the corona filaments variegated with red, white and purple.
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5 Passiflora Alata Seeds (Fragrant Granadilla Seeds)
30 Passiflora Alata Seeds (Fragrant Granadilla Seeds)
200 Passiflora Alata Seeds (Fragrant Granadilla Seeds)
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Passiflora Alata
Native to the Amazon region of Brazil, Passiflora alata or the Fragrant Granadilla, is a highly prized fruit there. It is a perennial exotic vine cultivated in home gardens that can reach 15 feet tall. The vine is a moderatly fast grower. Looking much like smaller version of Passiflora Quadrangularis. It climbs by means of clinging tendrils and can be kept as an container plant. It may be grown as a houseplant in a sunny South-facing window. Owing to its name, the Fragrant Granadilla has very fragrant flowers. The flowers are spectacular, 7-10 cm wide, the corona filaments variegated with red, white and purple. It flowers from Spring to Autumn. The leaves are oval or oblong, 10-15 cm long and 1-10 cm wide. The bracts are ovate, about 1.5 cm long. It produces edible fruits that are popular in Brazilian markets. The fruit is oval or pyriform, yellow to bright orange, 8-15 cm long and 5-10 cm wide. It weighs from about 90 up to 300 grams. The light orange pulp is slightly acidic and very aromatic. Pruning is a must to keep the vine healthy. Prune off less vigorous growth and occasionally prune back vigorous growth to promote flowering. When established, and without care, the Passion Fruit can easily overtake other garden plants, shading them from sun. Hardiness zone 10, (1øC/35øF) in Winter. It has only mild hardiness, surviving temperatures to 35øF for short periods of time. Provide ideally a temperature of 15-28øC in Summer and 13-18øC through the Winter. It will do best in a loam based mix with a little peat moss. Passion Flowers like full sun and will scramble over trees and shrubs to get it. You may need to water your plants on a daily basis during the hottest Summer months. During the Winter the roots should be kept moist, but as growth will be much slower you will probably only need to water once a week, depending on growing temperature. Fertilize at least once every two weeks in the growing season. If their pot is too large, or if they have an unrestricted root run, then the whole plant will simply get bigger and bigger but it will refuse to flower a lot and therefore produce the fruits. By limiting the pot size you are limiting the ability to grow and this is seen as a threat, so the natural mechanism is to produce seeds for the next generation. A suitably sized pot for an adult plant would generally be of 12 inches in diameter.
More Information
Common name Fragrant Granadilla
Species Passiflora alata
Germination Soak seed in warm water for 24 hours before sowing, in a good seed compost at 1/4" deep. For Passiflora seeds, instead of using water you can use a high pulp fruit juice such as passion fruit juice or orange juice. The acid in these juices will soften the shell and speed up germination. Keep damp soil, not soaking wet. Keep pot in warm situation 20øC/68øF, 24øC/75øF. Cover the top of the pot with clear plastic so the humidity will remain high.

When you see some tiny plants starting to sprout, slowly open the top of the pot, a little each day, so that the new seedlings don't go into shock from the humidity being lowered too quickly. Germination of Passiflora can occur in weeks or take several months. If you want to speed up germination, you can use the bottom heat technique, but it isn't a must.
Scarification / Stratification If your home is on the low side of 70§F, your seeds will benefit from bottom heat. Give warmth from underneath to stimulate early growth, and to help seeds to germinate. The ideal situation is to maintain the soil temperature at 70§F. For this, you use an electric soil warming cable kit, or a heating mat that goes under your flats; or any other source of heat. With the proper temperature, you will cut by 2 or 3 the germination time.
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