Graines Camellia Sinensis (Graines Théier)

Graines Camellia Sinensis (Graines Théier)

Boisson chaude faite à partir de ses feuilles. Apprécié pour ses propriétés stimulantes et ses effets positifs pour la santé.
Articles du produit groupé
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10 Graines Camellia Sinensis - Graines de Théier
4,90 US$
100 Graines Camellia Sinensis - Graines de Théier
29,00 US$
Availability: En stock
Camellia Sinensis
Camellia sinensis est un arbuste cultivé pour produire la boisson populaire qu'est le thé. On pensait que les thés noirs et verts provenaient de différentes plantes. En fait, ils viennent de la même espèce (sauf que le thé noir est fermenté). Le théier peut atteindre jusqu'à 17 m de hauteur. Ses feuilles contiennent environ 4% de caféine. Elles sont vert clair et luisantes. Camellia Sinensis s'avère robuste, survie à la neige et à des températures de -8 ˚ C. L'arbuste a une croissance lente et produit des fleurs blanches pendant l'automne.
Plus d’information
Nom commun Tea
Famille Theaceae
Genre Camellia
Espèce Camellia sinensis
Usage thérapeutique Used as a stimulant, as an astringent lotion which may be used as a gargle or injection, for some digestive problems and to reduce sweating in fevers.
Germination Place the tea plant seeds in a deep bowl. Boil water in a pan, and then remove it from the heat. Pour the just-boiled water over the tea plant seeds. Soak them for 24 hours to soften the outer hull.
Spread the soaked tea plant seeds on a dish towel in a sunny area. Mist the seeds with water every few hours so they never fully dry out. Inspect the seeds in a day or two. Collect those with a crack in the hull and sow them immediately.
Sow the tea plant seeds in individual 4-inch greenhouse pots filled with a mix of one-half potting soil and one-half perlite or vermiculite. Sow the seeds at a depth of 1 inch. Make sure the pale spot, or eye, on the end of the seed is positioned horizontally.
Set the potted tea plant seeds inside a shaded cold frame on a germination mat. Set the temperature on the germination mat to between 70 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Do not lower the temperature at night. Drape a sheet of plastic wrap over the pots to hold the warmth around the seeds.
Keep the growing medium moderately moist. Allow the top 1/2 inch to dry out before adding more water to prevent rot. Add water until it begins to trickle from the base of the pot.
Look for signs of germination in one to two months. Remove the plastic wrap after sprouts emerge, but keep the germination mat in place for another two weeks to encourage fast growth.
Transplant the tea plant seedlings into 8-inch pots filled with potting soil once they produce two sets of mature leaves, or four leaves total. Move the pots to a sheltered area under very light shade with morning and late afternoon sun.
Grow the tea plants under light shade for two to three months, or once they grow to 1 foot in height. Provide an inch of water weekly. Acclimate the shrubs to direct sun over the course of seven to 10 days in early autumn.
Transplant the tea plants into a permanent bed with acidic, consistently moist soil in the fall after the first rain. Space them at least 15 feet apart. Provide light shade during the shrub's first summer in the ground to prevent stress.
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