Carnivorous Plant

Buy Drosera Carnivorous Plants seeds online. Discover our selection of the best Drosera Carnivorous Plants seeds of the market.
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  1. Drosera Ramellosa Seeds (Tuberous)
      Out of Stock
      Drosera Ramellosa Seeds (Tuberous)

      Starting at US$3.60

      Drosera ramellosa is a small plant, to 12 cm high. It grows first as a rosette. Then a scape appears bearing leaves in the form of fan. The flowers are white to pink.
    • Drosera Regia Seeds (King Sundew) (South African)
        Out of Stock
        Drosera Regia Seeds (King Sundew) (South African)

        Starting at US$5.80

        Leaves curl around any captured prey like a fist.
      • Drosera Roraimae Seeds (South American)
          Out of Stock
          Drosera Roraimae Seeds (South American)

          Starting at US$3.50

          The visiting insects are attracted to the leaves by the glistening tips of the hairs. The leaves, curl around any captured prey like a fist.
        • Drosera Rotundifolia Seeds (Round Leaf Sundews) (Temperate)

          Starting at US$3.30

          Grows in bogs, swamps and wet acid soils.
        • Drosera Sessilifolia Seeds (South American)
            Out of Stock
            Drosera Sessilifolia Seeds (South American)

            Starting at US$3.30

            Seeds from Northen Brazil Coast. Although Drosera sessilifolia is one of the most widespread Drosera in South America, it?s frustratingly rare, occurring in very specific and restricted habitats.
          • Drosera Spatulata Seeds
              Out of Stock
              Drosera Spatulata Seeds

              Starting at US$3.30

            • Drosera Stolonifera Stolonifera Seeds (Tuberous)

              Starting at US$2.40

              Being an insectivorous plant, it can survive in nitrogen poor soils because it gets the nutrients it needs from insects.
            • Drosera Tokaiensis Seeds

              Starting at US$3.30

            • Drosera Venusta Seeds (South African)
                Out of Stock
                Drosera Venusta Seeds (South African)

                Starting at US$3.50

                Easy to grow and rewarding, perfect beginners' plants.
              • Drosera Whittakeri Seeds (Scented Sundew Seeds)
                  Out of Stock
                  Drosera Whittakeri Seeds (Scented Sundew Seeds)

                  Starting at US$3.50

                  Seeds from South Australia.
                • Drosophyllum Lusitanicum Seeds (Drosophyllum Seeds)
                    Out of Stock
                    Drosophyllum Lusitanicum Seeds (Drosophyllum Seeds)

                    Starting at US$6.50

                    Seeds from Cadiz, Spain. Perennial in nature of dry habitats. Listed among the threatened species in European Union.
                  • Genlisea Aurea Seeds (Corkscrew Plant Seeds)
                      Out of Stock
                      Genlisea Aurea Seeds (Corkscrew Plant Seeds)

                      Starting at US$3.30

                      These plants are terrestrials or semi-aquatics.
                    • Genlisea Repens Seeds (Corkscrew Plant Seeds)
                        Out of Stock
                        Genlisea Repens Seeds (Corkscrew Plant Seeds)

                        Starting at US$3.30

                        Growth is relatively quick, and flowering plants can be grown within a few months.
                      • Grass Triggerplant Seeds (Stylidium graminifolium)
                          Out of Stock
                          Grass Triggerplant Seeds (Stylidium graminifolium)

                          Starting at US$1.90

                          Easy to cultivate !
                        • Heliamphora Nutans Seeds (Sun Pitcher Plant Seeds, Marsh Pitcher Seeds)
                            Out of Stock
                            Heliamphora Nutans Seeds (Sun Pitcher Plant Seeds, Marsh Pitcher Seeds)

                            Starting at US$9.80

                            Provide cool, misty, very humid and damp conditions for the plants to grow adequately.
                          • Ibicella Lutea Seeds (Devil's Claws)
                              Out of Stock
                              Ibicella Lutea Seeds (Devil's Claws)

                              Starting at US$9.50

                              If you live in an area that has hot Summers, expect the plants to be at least a meter across.
                            • Nepenthes Albomarginata Seeds (Lowland Nepenthes Seeds)
                                Out of Stock
                                Nepenthes Albomarginata Seeds (Lowland Nepenthes Seeds)

                                Starting at US$3.90

                                The red pitchers can be up to 15 cm high, and their texture is velvet-like due to very short hairs.
                              • Nepenthes Ampullaria Seeds (Flask-Shaped Pitcher-Plant Seeds)
                                  Out of Stock
                                  Nepenthes Ampullaria Seeds (Flask-Shaped Pitcher-Plant Seeds)

                                  Starting at US$3.50

                                  Very easy plant to grow under lowland conditions
                                • Nepenthes Gracilis Seeds (Slender Pitcher-Plant)
                                    Out of Stock
                                    Nepenthes Gracilis Seeds (Slender Pitcher-Plant)

                                    Starting at US$3.30

                                    This small vinging species produces elegant, narrow pitchers that dangle from the tips of narrow green leaves.
                                  • Nepenthes Macfarlanei Seeds (Highland Nepenthes Seeds)
                                      Out of Stock
                                      Nepenthes Macfarlanei Seeds (Highland Nepenthes Seeds)

                                      Starting at US$3.30

                                      This species is an easy grower that boasts beautiful, urn-shaped lower traps decoratively splashed with brown.
                                    • Nepenthes Madagascariensis Seeds (Lowland Nepenthes Seeds)

                                      Starting at US$2.40

                                      Prey is attracted by the gaudy colours and nectar produced by the trap, under the lid, which does not close and around the rim.
                                    • Nepenthes Mirabilis Seeds (Lowland Nepenthes Seeds)

                                      Starting at US$2.90

                                      The traps start out at first as a small swelling, but quickly expand to their full size over the course of several weeks.
                                    • Nepenthes Rafflesiana (Lowland Nepenthes Seeds)
                                        Out of Stock
                                        Nepenthes Rafflesiana (Lowland Nepenthes Seeds)

                                        Starting at US$3.30

                                        Shape and color can vary from a plant to another.
                                      • Nepenthes Ramispina Seeds
                                          Out of Stock
                                          Nepenthes Ramispina Seeds

                                          Starting at US$3.30

                                        • Nepenthes Rowanae Seeds
                                            Out of Stock
                                            Nepenthes Rowanae Seeds

                                            Starting at US$19.50

                                            Prefers humidity. Water often with distilled water.
                                          • Nepenthes Sanguinea ssp. Seeds (Highland Nepenthes Seeds)
                                              Out of Stock
                                              Nepenthes Sanguinea ssp. Seeds (Highland Nepenthes Seeds)

                                              Starting at US$3.90

                                              That plant grows well as a hanging basket plant inside the home, in a hot greenhouse or in a terrarium in your home. Great for beginners.
                                            • Nepenthes Seeds Mix (Lowland and Highland Nepenthes Seeds)
                                                Out of Stock
                                                Nepenthes Seeds Mix (Lowland and Highland Nepenthes Seeds)

                                                Starting at US$2.70

                                                Contains many species, including mirabilis, gracilis, sanguinea, truncata and many more that are only sold in this mix.
                                              • Nepenthes Tenax Seeds
                                                  Out of Stock
                                                  Nepenthes Tenax Seeds

                                                  Starting at US$3.30

                                                  New rare carnivorous species that can eat small rats.
                                                • Nepenthes Truncata Seeds (Lowland Nepenthes Seeds)
                                                    Out of Stock
                                                    Nepenthes Truncata Seeds (Lowland Nepenthes Seeds)

                                                    Starting at US$3.90

                                                    1 foot diameter plants can be reached in a few years.
                                                  • Nepenthes Ventricosa Seeds (Highland Nepenthes Seeds)
                                                      Out of Stock
                                                      Nepenthes Ventricosa Seeds (Highland Nepenthes Seeds)

                                                      Starting at US$3.30

                                                      Ventricosa produces a beautiful pitchers, and displays well in a hanging basket.
                                                    • Pinguicula Alpina Seeds (Alpine Butterwort Seeds)
                                                        Out of Stock
                                                        Pinguicula Alpina Seeds (Alpine Butterwort Seeds)

                                                        Starting at US$3.20

                                                        The size of the flower is rather constant but the yellow spots in the middle of the lower corolla lobe are highly variable in size and form.
                                                      • Pinguicula Balcanica Seeds (Butterwort Seeds) (Temperate)
                                                          Out of Stock
                                                          Pinguicula Balcanica Seeds (Butterwort Seeds) (Temperate)

                                                          Starting at US$3.20

                                                          Best grown outdoors as a container or potted plant.
                                                        • Pinguicula Grandiflora Seeds (European Butterwort Seeds) (Temperate)
                                                            Out of Stock
                                                            Pinguicula Grandiflora Seeds (European Butterwort Seeds) (Temperate)

                                                            Starting at US$3.30

                                                            This is insectivorous and you always find small flies stuck to the upper surface of the leaves.
                                                          • Pinguicula Lusitanica Seeds (Pinguicula Seeds) (Warm - Temperate)
                                                              Out of Stock
                                                              Pinguicula Lusitanica Seeds (Pinguicula Seeds) (Warm - Temperate)

                                                              Starting at US$3.90

                                                              Pinguicula lusitanica is the easiest warm temperate Pinguicula to grow.
                                                            • Pinguicula Lutea Seeds (Yellow Butterwort Seeds)
                                                                Out of Stock
                                                                Pinguicula Lutea Seeds (Yellow Butterwort Seeds)

                                                                Starting at US$3.30

                                                                This species stays all the time under rosette form. This is a large Butterwort, the rosettes can be up to 6 inches or 15 cm across.
                                                              • Pinguicula Poldinii Seeds (Butterwort Seeds) (Temperate)
                                                                  Out of Stock
                                                                  Pinguicula Poldinii Seeds (Butterwort Seeds) (Temperate)

                                                                  Starting at US$3.30

                                                                  Best grown outdoors as a container or potted plant. Because of their specific soil requirement, avoid planting them in the ground.
                                                                • Pinguicula Seeds Mix Mexican Pinguicula Seeds (Ehlersiae, Hemiepiphytica, Hemiepiphytica x Orchidioides)
                                                                    Out of Stock
                                                                    Pinguicula Seeds Mix Mexican Pinguicula Seeds (Ehlersiae, Hemiepiphytica, Hemiepiphytica x Orchidioides)

                                                                    Starting at US$12.00

                                                                    The carnivorous leaves are produced in Spring and during all Summer. The flowering occurs from Summer rosette.
                                                                  • Pinguicula Vulgaris Seeds (Common Butterwort, Steepgrass, Valentine's Flower)(Cold Temperate)
                                                                      Out of Stock
                                                                      Pinguicula Vulgaris Seeds (Common Butterwort, Steepgrass, Valentine's Flower)(Cold Temperate)

                                                                      Starting at US$3.90

                                                                      Pinguicula vulgaris is a small plant, about 3.5 inches, with rosettes of light green to yellow green leaves.
                                                                    • Roridula Gorgonias Seeds
                                                                        Out of Stock
                                                                        Roridula Gorgonias Seeds

                                                                        Starting at US$12.00

                                                                        Very rare perennial from South Africa
                                                                      • Sarracenia Alata Red Throat Seeds (Pale Pitcher Plant Seeds)
                                                                          Out of Stock
                                                                          Sarracenia Alata Red Throat Seeds (Pale Pitcher Plant Seeds)

                                                                          Starting at US$3.50

                                                                          Sarracenia alata Red Throat is green with a red interior lid and a red throat. Although this carnivorous plant looks its best in September, it produces delicate looking yellow to cream colored flowers on tall stems in the early Spring.
                                                                        • Sarracenia Alata Seeds (Pale Pitcher Plant Seeds)

                                                                          Starting at US$3.50

                                                                          Seeds from Nicholson area, Mississippi. They trap their prey by offering them nectar to sip which is secreted around the lip of the plant and also at the base of the lid.
                                                                        • Sarracenia Flava Rugelii Seeds (Sarracenia Flava Seeds)
                                                                            Out of Stock
                                                                            Sarracenia Flava Rugelii Seeds (Sarracenia Flava Seeds)

                                                                            Starting at US$3.50

                                                                            These plants can get very tall, even in small pots. They will slow down growth after mid Summer. The pitchers reach up to 30 inches in height.
                                                                          • Sarracenia Flava x Sarracenia Purpurea Venosa Seeds
                                                                              Out of Stock
                                                                              Sarracenia Flava x Sarracenia Purpurea Venosa Seeds

                                                                              Starting at US$3.50

                                                                              The hybrids can be highly variable, but they should be upright, very red, looking like Sarracenia flava but with the caracteristic lid of Sarracenia purpurea venosa.
                                                                            • Sarracenia Leucophylla Seeds (White-Topped Pitcher Plant Seeds)
                                                                                Out of Stock
                                                                                Sarracenia Leucophylla Seeds (White-Topped Pitcher Plant Seeds)

                                                                                Starting at US$3.50

                                                                                Leucophylla will put up pitchers with their blooms each Spring, but the Fall is when these plants really start to show off.
                                                                              • Sarracenia Minor Okefenokee Giant Seeds (Hooded Pitchers, Sarracenia Minor Seeds)
                                                                                  Out of Stock
                                                                                  Sarracenia Minor Okefenokee Giant Seeds (Hooded Pitchers, Sarracenia Minor Seeds)

                                                                                  Starting at US$3.50

                                                                                  They are best grown outdoors as container or potted plants. They are excellent for the sunny deck or patio. You may also grow them in a pond or fountain.
                                                                                • Sarracenia Oreophila Mix of Forms (Heavily Veined) Seeds (Sarracenia Oreophila Seeds)

                                                                                  Starting at US$3.90

                                                                                  The pitchers are 20 to 75 centimeters in length by 6 to 10 centimeters in circumference at the orifice.
                                                                                • Sarracenia Psittacina Seeds (Parrot Pitcher Plant Seeds)
                                                                                    Out of Stock
                                                                                    Sarracenia Psittacina Seeds (Parrot Pitcher Plant Seeds)

                                                                                    Starting at US$3.50

                                                                                    This is an unusual plant that looks very different from any of the other Sarracenia. The pitchers have what almost looks like a beak above the small mouth of the pitcher, hence the common name Parrot Pitcher Plant.
                                                                                  • Sarracenia Purpurea Seeds (Purple Pitcher Plant Seeds)

                                                                                    Starting at US$2.80

                                                                                    The hood on the pitcher is positioned vertically; the pitcher usually being full or partly full of rainwater.
                                                                                  • Sarracenia Purpurea Venosa Burkii Seeds (Sarracenia Rosea Seeds)
                                                                                      Out of Stock
                                                                                      Sarracenia Purpurea Venosa Burkii Seeds (Sarracenia Rosea Seeds)

                                                                                      Starting at US$3.50

                                                                                      This plant produces attractive deep red flowers in Spring, and are up to 2.5 inches, 6.5 cm across. The pitchers are produced each year from stems arising from the rhizomes and remain evergreen.
                                                                                    • Sarracenia Rubra Gulfensis Seeds (Red Pitcher Plant, Sweet Pitcher Plant)

                                                                                      Starting at US$3.60

                                                                                      This species generally occurs inland. Recommended for conservatory or sunny windowsill.