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  1. Abies Balsamea Seeds (Balsam Fir Seeds)

    Starting at US$1.90

    Fragrant evergreen tree perfect for adding classic beauty and a fresh, pine scent to your landscape.

  2. Acer Palmatum Seeds (Japanese Maple Seeds)

    Starting at US$1.90

    Very small leaves !
  3. Allium Ursinum Seeds (Ramsons Seeds, Wild Garlic Seeds)

    Starting at US$1.90

    Edible leaves. The bulbs and flowers are also very tasty.
  4. Bird & Butterfly Wildflower Seeds Mix

    Starting at US$1.90

    Attract and provide food for birds and butterflies.
  5. Brugmansia Suaveolens White Seeds (Angel's Trumpet)

    Starting at US$1.90

    Exceptionally fragrant, about 12 inches long and shaped like trumpets. The corolla has five points that are slightly curved.
  6. Cananga Odorata Seeds (Ylang Ylang Seeds, Ilang Ilang Seeds)

    Starting at US$2.90

    Cananga odorata is the true Chanel No.5 Perfume Tree. Extremely fragrant flower.
  7. Cereus Peruvianus Monstruosus Seeds

    Starting at US$2.60

    Striking, sculptural cactus with twisted, irregular shapes, perfect for adding a unique and dramatic touch to your garden or indoor space.

  8. Copiapoa Humilis Seeds

    Starting at US$3.90

    Spherical cactus native to the coastal mountains of Northern Chile. Has 2.5 cm long yellow flowers that bloom in Spring and Summer. The flowers are supposedly to be sweet scented.
  9. Costus Speciosus Seeds (Crepe Ginger)

    Starting at US$1.90

    Costus speciosa is best used for dramatic effect in a tropical landscape.
  10. Drosera Binata Seeds (The Forked-Leaved Sundew) (Temperate)

    Starting at US$3.90

    The flowers are pink or white, have 5 petals and are about 2.5 cm across. They are numerous on erect stalk.
  11. Echeveria Nodulosa Seeds

    Starting at US$3.80

    Plant native to Mexico and unique because each plant gets a flowering and a varied size depending on sun exposure and maintenance.
  12. Echium Fastuosum Seeds (Echium Candicans, Pride of Madeira Seeds)

    Starting at US$1.80

    The striking blooms make it attractive to bees, butterflies and/or birds.
  13. European Larch Seeds (Larix Decidua)

    Starting at US$1.90

    Popular Bonsai species and ornamental tree native to the mountains of central Europe...
  14. Ficus Carica Seeds (Common Fig Seeds)

    Starting at US$1.90

    The fig is a picturesque tropical looking tree or shrub with a dramatic spreading habit. The breadth is often wider than the height of 15 to 30 ft.
  15. Ficus Elastica Seeds ( Rubber Fig Seeds)

    Starting at US$1.90

    Doesn't grow that tall in pot. If it grows too high, cut it off, this will ease the ramification.

  16. Helianthus Giganteus Seeds (Giant Sunflower Seeds)

    Starting at US$1.90

    If you are looking for the biggest and tallest sunflower, you've found it!
  17. Iris Missouriensis Seeds (Western Blue Flag Seeds)

    Starting at US$1.90

    Delicate blue-purple to lilac flowers with a dark yellow-orange stripe down the middle of the petal. It is in flower from May to June.
  18. Iris Setosa Seeds

    Starting at US$2.50

    It is in flower in June, and the seeds ripen in August.
  19. Lilium Regale Seeds (Lily Regale Seeds)

    Starting at US$2.90

    Beautiful and one of the most easily grown and fast growing Lily.
  20. Lithops Seeds Mix (Living Stones)

    Starting at US$2.50

    "What are they"? Commonly known as "Living Stones" they seem capable of fooling humans as well as animals.
  21. Mountain-Laurel Seeds (Kalmia latifolia)

    Starting at US$2.30

    Stunning evergreen shrub with clusters of delicate, star-shaped flowers, perfect for adding year-round beauty and elegance to your garden.

  22. Musa Balbisiana Seeds

    Starting at US$2.80

    Hardy banana species with large, lush leaves and inedible fruit, perfect for creating a tropical ambiance in your garden or indoor space.

  23. Nuphar Lutea Seeds (Yellow Water-lily Seeds)

    Starting at US$2.20

    The flower has an alcoholic scent which attracts flies ? hence its alternative name of brandy bottle. tea made from the roots is used in the treatment of dysentery, diarrhoea etc...
  24. Pachypodium Horombense Seeds (Pachypodium Seeds)

    Starting at US$3.90

    It produces large, bell shaped, yellow flowers. Flowers will set in the second or third year in good conditions. It blooms in small containers and never gets too big.
  25. Passiflora Alata Seeds (Fragrant Granadilla Seeds)

    Starting at US$2.90

    Owing to its name, the Fragrant Granadilla has very fragrant flowers. The flowers are spectacular, 7-10 cm wide, the corona filaments variegated with red, white and purple.
  26. Passiflora Incarnata Seeds (Maypop Passiflora Seeds)

    Starting at US$2.40

    Produces sweet edible fruits. May be grown as a houseplant
  27. Phoenix Sylvestris Seeds (Silver Date Palm Seeds, Sugar Date Palm Seeds,Toddy Palm Seeds)

    Starting at US$2.90

    The spectacular ornamental Wild Date is rare to see and easy to grow.
  28. Physalis Franchetii Alkekengi Gigantea Seeds (Chinese Lantern Seeds)

    Starting at US$1.90

    Excellent fresh cut and they can also be easily dried and will make choice Winter arrangements. It can spread quickly, plant where it can be controlled.
  29. Pinus Strobus Seeds (White Pine)

    Starting at US$1.90

    It is known as the "Weymouth pine" in the United Kingdom, after Captain George Weymouth of the British Royal Navy, who brought its seeds to England from Maine in 1605

  30. Pogostemon Cablin Seeds (Patchouli Seeds)

    Starting at US$1.90

    Primarily used in perfumery and cosmetics.
  31. Polygonatum odoratum Seeds (Angular Solomon's-seal Seeds)

    Starting at US$3.90

    Produces toxic berries. Slow to establish but clumps are long-lived and carefree.
  32. Protea Cynaroides Seeds (King Protea Seeds)

    Starting at US$3.90

    Can reach up to one meter when mature. Its flowers are hermaphrodite.
  33. Red Maple Seeds (Acer Rubrum Seeds)

    Starting at US$1.90

    It tolerates ozone and is somewhat tolerant of sulfer dioxide, making it a good tree for urban areas. Great bonsai specimen.
  34. Rosa Nutkana Seeds (Nootka Rose Seeds)

    Starting at US$1.80

    Fast and easy to grow. Nootka rose makes an excellent wildlife shrub with its large red hips as a food source for birds and other animals.
  35. Shakar Apple Seeds (Malus sieversii)

    Starting at US$1.90

    The primary ancestor of most cultivars of the domesticated apple
  36. Sweet Annie Seeds (Artemisia annua)

    Starting at US$1.90

    Fragrant, fast-growing herb known for its feathery foliage and medicinal properties, perfect for herb gardens and natural remedies.

  37. Tacca Integrifolia Seeds (Purple Bat Flower Seeds, Cat's Wiskers Seeds)

    Starting at US$2.80

    This plant is a fast grower. It can reach up to 4ft in height.
  38. Texas Mountain Laurel Seeds (Sophora secundiflora)

    Starting at US$3.90

    Dermatophyllum secundiflorum is a species of flowering shrub or small tree in the pea family, Fabaceae, that is native to the southwestern United States (Texas, New Mexico) and Mexico (Chihuahua and Coahuila south to Hidalgo, Puebla and Quer‚taro)
  39. Tillandsia Complanata Seeds

    Starting at US$4.90

    Does not die after flowering. Needs sun to partial shade.
  40. Tithonia Diversifolia Seeds (Mexican Sunflower Seeds, Tree marigold Seeds)

    Starting at US$1.90

    Tithonia Diversifolia has hairy and greyish-green leaves and large and showy yellow flowers and is known for its ornamental purposes...
  41. Tsuga Heterophylla Seeds (Western Hemlock Seeds)

    Starting at US$2.80

    Tsugas are typically tall, graceful trees with spreading branches that droop downwards at the tips creating a cascading effect. It is growing at a fast rate.
  42. Vitis Amurensis Seeds (Amur Grape Seeds)

    Starting at US$1.90

    This is a rarely offered species with exceptional fall coloring. This robust, fast growing vine attains a height of 18-24 ft.
  43. White Fringetree Seeds (Chionanthus virginicus)

    Starting at US$2.20

    White Fringetree is clothed in stunning panicles of fragrant white flowers rising above the foliage in late spring. It has emerald green foliage throughout the season.
  44. Winged Bean Seeds (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus)

    Starting at US$3.50

    The winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus) is a tropical plant of the family Fabaceae, native to Papua New Guinea.
  45. Yucca Filifera Seeds (Palma China)

    Starting at US$3.80

    Requires any well drained soils. Will tolerate light to moderate freezes and is best suited to warm temperate/subtropical areas.